
“May I, on behalf of the Board of Trustees (BoT) and the Executive Committee (EXCO) members of the Alumni Association of the National Defence College (AANDEC), once again wish all members of AANDEC a very happy and prosperous year 2025. We thank the Almighty God for bringing us all this far and preserving our lives. It is our prayer that He keeps us in good health and peace all through the new year and beyond.

“The Alumni Association of the National Defence College (AANDEC) Nigeria was established in 1998 with the aim of promoting intellectual and professional interaction among its members and the society at large on national security and national development related issues. The Association currently has over 2,800 nominal members, who are either serving or retired very senior officers of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, paramilitary agencies and civil servants from strategic ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in Nigeria. Senior military officers from other countries around the world who were trained at the NDC are also members.”

“The AANDEC organizes annual National Security Seminars, workshops, roundtables and other programmes focused on proffering solutions to contemporary national security and development issues. This is achieved through the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) and the National Defence College (NDC). We also collaborate with various stakeholders such as individuals, corporate organisations and”

“institutions (civil and military) as well as States and the Federal Government. Through these collaborative efforts and various intervention programmes, AANDEC has been able to provide viable inputs into military operations, governance, support for the needy in the society which includes widows of our fallen heroes from the military and other security agencies over the years and educate Nigerians on the policies and strategies of the Federal Government.”

Alumni Association of the Nationnal Defence College(AANDEC) is as an independent non-profit making association. The |Aim of Association is to socials intellectual and  professional interaction among members.


  • To advance the professional and intellectual heritage of the National Defence College
  • To encourage the development of friendly relationship and cooperate among all the Fellow based on matual respect and understanding.
  • To strengthen the bond between the National Defence College and AANDEC
  • To reach out to similar professional association world wide for benefit of AANDEC  progeammes 

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Annual National Security Seminar
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Chicago, US
Introduction to Study Skills
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Vancouver, Canada
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Your experience does not stop when you graduate.

AANDEC President
Gp Capt Peter Bilal (rtd)
AANDEC Vice President

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