Alumni Association of National Defence College (AANDEC) was established in 1998 as an independent non-profit making organization for the Alumni of the then National War College, now the National Defence College, The Association aims to promote social, intellectual as well as professional interaction among its members and the society at large.
A. To advance the professional and intellectual capacity of the National
B. Defence College.
C. To encourage the development of friendly relationships and cooperation
D. among all the Fellows of the College based on mutual respect and understanding.
E. To reach out to similar professional associations worldwide for the mutual
F. benefit of AANDEC and the professional associations .
G. To organize, from time to time, conferences, seminars and workshops as well
H. as publish books, monographs, journals and newsletters.
Organisation and Activities:
The Alumni Association has an Executive Arm and Trustees to ensure the implementation of the
objectives. Since inception, the Alumni Association has been able to sensitize members to
improve their intellectual and professional callings through contributions to AANDEC journal:
“Constructive Engagement”, organizing seminars and conferences as well as making
contributions towards addressing National Security and Defence challenges
The Alumni Association has an Executive Arm and Trustees to ensure the implementation of the objectives. Since inception, the Alumni Association has been able to sensitize members to improve their intellectual and professional callings through contributions to AANDEC journal:
“Constructive Engagement”, organizing seminars and conferences as well as making
contributions towards addressing National Security and Defence challenges